Progress Notes Library
Select one of several formats You can Type it, Dictate into it or simply Upload it

Progress Notes
THERASOFT® provides an extensive set of progress notes, Each one is designed to enable therapists to record notes for the particular type of therapy or the billing requirements. There is even a Quicknote in addition to BIRP, SOAP, Medicaid BIRP and a standard note that allows the therapist to upload a document and make it part of the progress note.
The various progress note formats are all designed to help the therapist save time while some provide an easy to use, comprehensive progress note format, others provide various levels of detail and integrated calculations of billing units that automatically update the Billing record.
Our progress notes allow the therapist to record an electronic signature as well as approval by a supervisor. The Notes are date and time stamped and can also be locked when approved.
The system allows the therapist to document multiple progress notes per client session and maintains a history of all the notes recorded.